Re: Ozone injection is AWESOME for herpes. But, need advice.
I'm going to keep this short, I was ill and MD'S had no answers. I began my research then took swift action . Within three months I had all the mercury filling removed, very fortunate no mercury poisoning was found. I had all the
root canals extracted of course one was badly infected and one wisdom tooth extracted that was infected My dentist at the time of the extractions injected ozone. I noticed instantly my eyesight got better. and I felt better,
I knew I would have to have follow up ozone with the ND. A machine checked me and noted that I had virus Hep B, the medical lab ran a test since all most all health workers will test positive to Hep B due to the vaccine they took when they got employed in the medical field. I used to work in the medical field so it did show up reactive for Hep B because I took the vaccine 15 years ago . The effectiveness regardless you can be infected with HEP B because no vaccine ever is 100% effective.
So back to the story, ozone was injected into my abdomen where the nerves bumdles are and close to my rib cage area I would never recommend this rib cage area to anyone! My MD told me NOT to ever have this done and he was right I felt a burning for a few days in this region. Since teeth infection cause issues I had my sinuses, lymph nodes and neck region all injected with ozone. A super short needle is used, except for the dental sites. MY ND is very skilled all sinus and teeth sites are numbed then ozone injected.
The best thing to do is check out the doctors credentials training and track record before setting up an appointment.
for ozone
Anyhow, Ozone just goes to where it needed....I guess it has a sort of intelligence I had 25 small shots , so I went a little overboard my face swelled up better to go slow.
For the virus kill you need six treatments, I would have one extra to be sure! My ND offered me three ways to get ozone one is sauna, the other IV and the other injections I think I might go with the IV or sauna. Like anything in life go slow to see how you respond.
Consider researching amazing Ayurvedic herb Andrographis
Lysine,and Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C,this is only Vitamin C worth taking. All of these are have the power to heal .