Re: Good question!!! Important (about glandulars.)
I think this is just the severe side of adrenal fatigue or as we in severe stage . . . adrenal collapse.
I know, as I've declined so much the past 2.5 years.
And you are right Beth. So is Dr. Lam's writings from his book, I can testify to this.
When the body is do compromised and weak, it can not even handle much of any supplements, yet alone ACE. Because it takes a lot of energy to utilize these supplements and if they are not utilized, do to slow metabolism, liver and cell clearance, it just makes it even harder on the body.
Like trying to whip a dead horse.
Beth, I had my hair anyl. done recently and my Calcium was very high and potassium and magnesium and sodium all very low.
My practicioner for Nutritional Balancing has me on more potassium, magnisium, no calcium or D, but also more Vit. A.
SO far, I'm doing a bit better. I've also cut way back on many supplements, only taking the above, plus Roya Jelly and Vit. C in moderate amounts ( not mega)
I"m glad I started into NB and hope to see progress.
Beth, it is SOOOOOOOOO good to see you on the forum.
Please keep us posted on your progress.
PS> I sent a persona emial to you via ALex to your folks.