Exactly! I'm starting a site that addresses that exact issue. We need to stop supporting crooks period. Stop giving them our money. And we need to unite since there are aprox 150 MILLION that aren't happy with obama and 270 MILLION who aren't happy with congress. If all those People stood up and said no more or you're not getting any more of my money, this insanity would stop. There just has to be enough People standing up and doing that to make the difference.
Anyway, I'm glad other People are seeing the real power we have and what the solution is. Oh yeah and another option is if they don't stop what they're doing, stop giving them our money and ignore them and form another government and throw the bums out of office.
Anyway, we are the problem and have the power and we are the solution. We WILL win this too. The only questions is, will it be peacefully or not. There is NO WAY these crooks are going to have their NWO. NONE!