Now 3 types coming out in urine - is this good or bad?
First off - good news! No itching or signs of worms in my nose or ears today! Yay!
Bad news- day 2 constipation and that includes a OCO enema. Nothing.
After a hard day of getting out tons of threadworms out of my face I decide to put the proactive clay mask on before I went to bed. Black things started to appear in clusters all over my face. I can't stop watching. I take a pin and gently try to pick off a black thing. It immediately crawls right out, bright red, and wriggles down my nose.
I don't do that again. I just wait a while, shut my eyes and scrub them away.
My skin looks fantastic! Woo Hoo! Maybe that's the end of that.
After a sterile visit with a friend - I mean from a far distance with precautions - I go to the bathroom and for the third time today see something in the toilet in my urine. This time I investigate.
I find black dot things. Threadworms. A flat clear circular small thing. A thing with a head and small body but long legs.
Why are these coming out in my urine? Is it because I'm constipated?
What can I do?
Am I making things worse?
I'm terrified because as of tomorrow I can't take anything until next Friday to help me poop. I'm taking the marker test for my twisted colon. After that I can go back to cleansing.
Thank you for any help you can provide.