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Thyrogold beats Armour, for me.
LoricaLady Views: 2,655
Published: 12 y

Thyrogold beats Armour, for me.

I had been on Armour for several years. I never felt, though, like I was really free of thyroid symptoms. For example I got cold and fatigued too easily.

A doctor I used to have, now retired, said that many if not all blood tests for "normal" are actually based on what is average. But! He said 30 or so years ago average really was normal, and it is not normal now due to so many toxins in our environment. So the blood tests said I needed 60 mg of Armour, yet, again, it didn't seem to be enough - maybe for the reason he gave.

That doctor said you need to go by symptoms, not just blood tests so I decided to be my own "diagnostician" with Thyrogold. If my heart rate went above 80, or if I felt jittery, I had too much. If I was droopy, too little. You have to wait 3 days, though, to get the full effect of the dose you are currently on.

Kelp helped a whole lot before I took Thyrogold. I took the advice of Dr. Lawrence Wilson on the net and used the brands he recommended, and got rid of elemental Iodine as he also recommended. But I still didn't feel the way I did before I became hypothyroid.

Now I do! I was fortunate. The person who sells Thyrogold told me that 150 mg (one capsule) of her product equals 60 mg of Armour. However, if I didn't have such a nice nifty match, I would still take Thyrogold. In fact, at first I took too much - 300 mg - due to impatience in waiting for the product to work. I had to back down every 3 days. The capsules are easy to open and I had a teensy tinsy spoon that came with some CoQ10 powder to measure out the differences. Finally I got down to 150 mg and it was the right amount for me, just as she said. But if I had to use that spoon and open those capsules for life I'd gladly do it because of how much better I feel!

Thyrogold is no more expensive for me, based on my insurance, than Armour. And Armour is made from pigs which is not okay for someone like me who is Messianic, or Hebrew Roots (or anyone Jewish who eats kosher). I have heard that Standard Process' thyroid product actually has some pork in it - don't know for sure but didn't want to take a chance. And American Biologics didn't do it for me, personally. Thyrogold was my last hope and thankfully it works and I love it.

Just mho and experience.

Need I say that Synthroid sucks? That was my experience when I went on it at the start of my diagnosis. If you don't know about the problems with Synthroid by all means go to the site.


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