HS without anti-biotics
Hey there! I'm a 21 year old female that has been struggling with HS since i was 14. I was diagnosed when i was 16, then referred to a dermatologist. He prescribed me harsh anti-biotics, i can no longer have dairy because ive taken them so many times. The infections would go away, but i was constantly sick and getting infections still.
About a year ago i decided to go completely off the
Antibiotics because they were just making me sick. I started eating a raw diet to balance my Ph. It worked for a while, but i was still getting them about a week before my period would start.
I admit, i've cracked and used anti-biotics for a very deep infection (you can feel the hardness/soreness underneath the skin). It did make the infection not as severe but not even a week later i had another one on my underwear line.
I read an article on facial
Acne about a week ago about the use of oils to treat blemishes. So i thought, why not give it a try for my HS.I bought a bottle of Tea Tree Oil and applied the oil to underlying infection site twice a day to clean skin. Within two days, the infection was no longer raised or painful. They're still is a slight discoloration of the affected area, but i'm hoping with the continued use of the oil it will subside.
Has anyone tried any other oils to treat the underlying infected site? Can someone try it to see if they get the same results?