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Re: Has anybody tried the rope parasite enema?
Cebru Views: 10,380
Published: 12 y
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Re: Has anybody tried the rope parasite enema?

I do have the specifics for these enemas, PM if you really want the details. However, administration would be difficult the first two enemas require 1L of solution to be held in the intestine (shaped something like [ ) for two hours. The final two are also to be held for 2hrs, but with a smaller amount of solution. One enema to start, 4 days recovery, next enema, 4 days recovery, then on the third treatment day there are 2 enemas to be done consecutively. So you're looking at about 2 weeks for administration of these enemas. Doing this alone is daunting, and I was not able to find any alternative, naturopaths, or modern medical people who were willing to assist for different reasons.

Am currently waiting to get confirmation that a drug which can be difficult to obtain, Triclabendazole, effectively removes the parasite. Should be very soon. Here's some info:


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