Re: Destructive effects of conventional therapy for cancer and other dis-eases
I live your dilemma everyday. People are so caught up in a profit driven society that when you truly have a mission to help people are skeptical. I have had people think I made up my daughter and her death to make some profit; but how can you profit from making no money? It is easy, google her and you will find the story, google Jesicha's Hope and you will find we are not profit driven but driven by our love for our fellow man, to stop the unnecessary suffering.
I have people say, they love what we do, how much we have helped them but are afraid to spread the word because of what others will think? You have to think to save another life?
Every time you share the message of hope, you may be saving a life somewhere; is that not a reward that is priceless? It costs you nothing but what you give has no price. If you know something to share, please do so, there is someone out there waiting for hope.
Keep it up, I won't stop, neither should you.