after reading your post, I checked the 108 page of the web site, the pdf loaded fine, all 151 pages. As an experiment, here is a cutNpaste of the first 10.8 pages, but it won't include any graphics or pictures. Also note, the page numbers appear at the bottom of each PDF page, so when you see a page number, the information ABOVE it is what's on that page.
"MY WAY" ISeminar on Paper
The School of
Self-Applied Prevention
Prepared by:
The "BAREFOOT" Herbalist, M.H.
This information is provided as entertainment purposes only! We do not promote medical products or medical methods. We do not answer medical questions. We do not sell herbal or self-health products to the public. If you wish to experiment with herbs and self-health methods as we do and wish to learn from us or purchase our products, you must sign a disclaimer before we will do so. You SHOULD also purchase our 1st book. Once you have this book you will know what disease is and how to restore health and understand our products better with each book purchased. If you wish to call, stop by, or write us for questions you should have purchased our study guide and completed it so you will be educated and ready for advanced methods. The BOOK I & STUDY should answer most of your self-health questions and save us allot of time explaining to you how to be healthy. If you do not wish to read, most likely you will not totally understand sickness and health and eventually not stick with a program; as long as you sign our disclaimer and agree to it, we will sell you our products.
This seminar on paper is strictly for those that have filled out our disclaimer, otherwise this paper is confidential and not to be shared with others. These products and methods are just our methods, and we are in constant change of creating & establishing what we feel is best for us to do. The customer should have herbal knowledge before consuming herbal formulas; we have the finest Herbal Books for sale.
If you wish to experiment as we do, you do this at your own risk, you acknowledge that we have zero professional medical knowledge and do not sell anything Natural or otherwise to replace medical therapies. Anything you choose to do is at your own risk and you agree to not hold us liable in anyway and that your surviving relatives cannot bring harm against us, or our products.
With such said, welcome to our world. We study herbs and methods of self-health. This has evolved many times and in many directions. We are always in constant change for what we hope to be better. Our goal is Longevity.
100% of our products are guaranteed. If for any reason you’re dissatisfied, bring the books or products back with in 1 year of purchase for complete purchase price (minus shipping & tax). We must have your signed disclaimer in our file.
Our goal is freedom from disease for a lifetime!
The first step in self-health is to learn to be disease free! If this is not learned, a great deal of money can be wasted and health loss. 60-150 years ago many Medical Doctors had clinics that extremely ill people from around the world came to and became well. A handful of these doctors (back when it was safe to do so) wrote a single book on their simple methods in their retirement years.
One book was enough and most went into single print only and few have survived to today. We specialize in such books and our expertise is understanding these books, our goal is to hand-reprint a selection of these type of books into a home study setting so the student will know what disease is, how humans are afflicted and the extremely simple methods to restore health with out surgery, drugs, vitamins, and in most cases with out even herbs.
BOOK I explains a 14 day cure that was used for 63,000 patients that not only restored their health, but also educated them to never seek medical attention the rest of their lives! This is a beginner’s book, worth its weight in gold!
Each book is hand scanned, highlighted, and comes on a CD; an option for paper copy is also available. The study guide is printed on paper or optional CD and must sent back before the student is ready for BOOK II. I will eventually have about 1 dozen+ books dealing with Health and Longevity. Once health is totally understood, then I will have a series of books on understanding "Freedom", in an effort to understanding Longevity.
This simple CD (0r booklet) is my method of a seminar on paper, explaining why I make the products I do and the reason behind The School of Self-Applied Prevention.
Many Blessings,
The "BAREFOOT" Herbalist, M.H.
The average person has no interest in health until their health is ailing. Many times permanent damage has been done long before the pains are felt. Restoration is a series of methods used to restore that which has been damaged.
I will give a quick summary of my best methods/products in the order that they are most important. This is just an example of the things one can learn from the home schooling. The methods, suggestions, theories, etc. within this booklet are a mixture or my version of what I liked after reading many books over the years.
Keep in mind that I update this booklet yearly. I believe we must read about one hour per day on the subjects of self-applied health. I modify most everything I do as I learn more efficient methods. I read 7 days per week and if I never purchased another book I still have at least 500# of books I have to read and odds are I will alter this booklet yearly but the basic principles will never change.
There is but one cure and that cure is clean blood supply.
Ten simple common sense steps to understanding Nature.
2. Air ………………………………………….7-9
(Green font color chosen for increased memory)
The human body lives on the bottom of a vast ocean of gases. The pressure being so great that nearly 35,000 square inches of pressure is applied to the skin. The masses (population) are kept in the dark on how the human body functions in efforts to promote false methods of medicine and enslaving the workers of society. Scientist and medical trained people grope in the darkness from the lack of education and can only promote what they were trained to do to make $$$.
The human body thrives on sunshine! There is no stronger medicine on the face of the earth that pure direct sunshine on the "bare" skin. The entire body needs sunshine. The energy from the sun supplies the life of the earth. This energy known as cosmic energy is the source of all life. All of God’s Laws surround around the function of the suns.
The sun, planets, stars, and "all" that is in space is a replica (macro) of the human atom. The atom being the micro of above and space being the macro of the atom. The center of the atom is the same temperature of the surface of the sun. The atom is eternal, it can not be destroyed. Everything is composed of atoms under pressure and all atoms are in constant motion/vibration. This vibration allows our eyes to see objects and we can only see certain vibrations.
Atoms are so small that no food particle can ever enter. Atoms exist on cosmic energy from the sun. Rocks and earth are compressed atoms and just as alive as humans or anything known to us is alive. The earth vibrates at about 8 cycles per second. Each and every created object and life form known vibrates at a different cycle. The color purple must vibrate billions of times per second for us to see what we know as purple. Nothing can be dead as long as it exists, not until the atoms have evaporated through decomposition of the magnetism that held the life form in shape.
Life as we know it is when "Spirit" lives in our body (vessel). Death as we know it is when we have damaged the body so badly that the "Spirit" can no longer live in the vessel, and leaves. God’s Laws at the beginning were and are permanent, never changing, and perfect in everyway.
It is these laws that our bodies must obey to obtain longevity! If one is happy and enjoys life, it would seem that life on earth is a great honor. Nature
supplies the needs of all God’s creation. This paper will examine the needs of the human body.
You seldom hear a perfectly healthy person say "Well you have to die of something". Healthy people have no need to think of death, especially premature painful death. The more a person lives against Nature, the more care free they abuse their body and don’t care if they live or die, until the pains get to be more than they can bare.
There is no more studied subject in the entire world than human health and there is no more confusing and misleading information to keep the average person in total darkness. Today’s countries rule their populations not unlike a dairy farmer runs his herd. Education from our birth to our death misleads, all except the greatest teacher of all, Nature! Nature never misleads or deceives. Nature is free to all. The perfect guide in life.
If information goes against Nature, it will not stand the test of time. Nature removes "all" that does not obey Nature perfectly, because God’s creative laws are absolutely perfect.
Removing all clothing and exposing every inch of the skin to the rays of the sun is the most powerful curative known. As the skin strengthens it can take direct sunlight, avoid direct rays between 11 am and 4 pm during the summer hours until the skin is adapted back to Nature.
Sunshine kills fungus in the body better than herbs and drugs and with no ill effects. Practice sunbaths instead of old habits of eating at noon time. Your body will be more nourished on pure sunshine on bare skin than any food you could possible introduce to the stomach.
Real human food is fresh picked (with in 7 minutes) and eaten raw as Nature freely gives. The life of this raw natural food is the sunshine within this food. Heat any food past 118 degrees and all life leaves, and the body will struggle with this type of dead food. Life comes via the sun.
At the moment of conception, the cells depend upon air from the blood of the mother. At birth the first breathe of air starts the machine of fire that burns in a body of liquid. After 3 minutes with our air, the body responds by passing out in an effort to get oxygen to the brain, with in 7 minutes the vessel can no longer support the "Spirit" and the Spirit leaves and the atoms begin the process of returning to Nature.
Air/oxygen is the most important substance to be physically consumed by the human being. It is breathed through the nose and lungs as well as the skin. It brings in oxygen and nutrients and removes the gasses of human wasted cells. Air drives a great and powerful machine and just like all machines, it can only run as long and as good as the quality of air it is fed.
To re-breathe air is the most damaging thing a human does against Nature! Only a civilized creature penned up in a room will re-breathe its own air. If you breathe only exhaled air and no fresh air, you will die in your own waste with in minutes, known as suffocation. This is why the root of all disease starts in the bedroom.
As an example, a cancer patient is host to massive fungus; each and every breath expels huge amounts of fungal spores! Just think of the common puff ball in the woods that when you kick it, the spores fill the air as a dust cloud, the cancer patient is filling the space of the home in just such a manner. Only in Nature we do not re-breathe our same air! The air currents carry off each breath and supplies new fresh energized air to breathe.
No greater harm can be done than to re-breathe one’s own air or the air of another! An experiment 150 years ago explained that a canary bird suspended above the bed of a sleeping couple would die before morning from the deadly exhaust of the sleeping couple.
Naturally artificial heat in the home must be smell free! If you can smell it, you’re breathing it and what ever you breathe, your body must process and eliminate out the drainage system of elimination. Kerosene heat has to be one of the deadliest heats, unless it is 100% kept from entering the homes air. The kerosene vent-less heater and vent-less propane heaters are asking
for premature death and should be illegal when a child is in the home. Wood heat is not much better unless it is 100% vented. No stove or furnace is 100% air tight; gases will find a way to escape when the combustion takes place within the home. Artificial anything has a price to pay. Nature means Natural and when we think we can do better than Nature, Nature shows us otherwise every time.
One may be thinking why they are not already dead if any of this is true? The human body is a powerful machine that does not die easily. The body adapts and the more it adapts, the closer it comes to death. The following is a scientific experiment explaining our adaptation to bad air.
Place a bird in a glass sealed container and in X amount of minutes it will die. Repeat this, except this time remove the bird in ½ of the time it takes to suffocate it and replace a fresh bird in the sealed container and the second bird will instantly die. The second bird not having the time needed to adapt to absence of oxygen.
The same goes for the smoker, that 1st cigarette always produces a gagging cough in short time the body adapts to the poison smoke and no coughing. The smoker does great damage to those in the same house.A family can be living with kerosene heat all winter and feel no ill effects and I can walk in out of the snow and with in a few minutes be struggling for breath. The family has been greatly damaged and life shortened and never knowing it. Their bodies adapt for the lifetime it has and does the best it can to reproduce.
Rule number one; make the bedrooms as safe as possible. Heat the home, not the bedroom. Open the window, screen the snow from coming in and use as many covers as you feel you need to stay warm. Allow plenty of fresh life giving air to flow (float) over the bed. Remember, cold air does not make man sick, the same as the sun does not create cancer.
An experiment done in Ireland over 150 years ago allowed a new born to obey Nature. No cloths/diapers ever touched the skin, no heat was used in the home and air flowed freely through. This child slept on the bare floor with the knees and elbows under the body in a house that averaged 38 degrees. The child was of excellent health and the skin glowed with health.
The goal of the experiment was to show that clothing and a closed house smothers the skin’s pores and reduces the exhaustion of waste gases.
Breathing exercises are the most beneficial life extending exercise. I have an excellent book written by a man that was 110 when he wrote his little book on breathing that enabled him to be healthy at such an age. Most people ignore the skin when they think about breathing. If the skin is sealed with a substance that does not allow oxygen to enter, death comes with in the hour.
One of the most abused organs of air exchange is the human foot. The foot is meant to be in contact with the bare earth your entire life. Not only does it make the magnetic connection, it keeps the system flowing in correct direction. The cold ground draws the toxins down and out of the body. From the ankle down is one of the third largest organs of gas exchange and if everything is flowing correctly, the feet will stink allot when confined within shoes and hot socks. If the feet don’t stink, odds are the system is clogged and the gases will come out the under arms and elsewhere out the skin.
When shoes must be worn, make them the lightest pair possible. To burden the feet is a great sin against Nature. The coddled body is a diseased body; your skin is meant to be in contact with all of Nature. Soft skin is diseased and lacks circulation. Toes are meant to bend and grip and be stimulated with every piece of grass, rock, and stick.
The sick need to remove their clothing and shoes and expose the body to the sun/air, 3 things the sickly refuse to do! The earth’s vibrations heal, at one famous American clinic you removed all clothing upon entering and the old sick, near dead person slept in a hollowed out pit in the earth naked, but was allowed blankets. Rain, snow, made no difference; they slept in the open, year around. Once healed, many refused to sleep in a house again. The open air and contact with the earth can not be beat in restoring health and vigor. Life flows with the winds.
Life needs energy and oxygen to stoke the human furnace. There are people that can live or have lived a very long time with nothing more than air and sunshine. They are rare today. Some learned breathing techniques that enabled them to obtain all they needed from the air and others just naturally stopped eating and drinking. How can this be? Our air has everything we need to thrive on. Science claims that just 1 cubic yard of normal air has enough energy in it to power a jet plane across the country. People that didn’t need food or water have been studied by medical institutes for the past 100 years and there are great volumes of scientific studies to read about.
It was finally learned that rock dust from outer space burns as it enters the earth’s air and creates an invisible dust of mineral in our air. Certain humans have up to 100 more functional glands in their bodies than the average person does, or correctly stated, we all have these glands, but due to de-generation these glands are all but dried up. People with these glands seem to be able to acquire all their daily needs from the air they breathe. With no foods, the body needs little to no extra water, since the air we breathe can be up to 80-100% humidity (water vapor).
The more corrupt the diet, the more need for water. Wrong foods create mucus/morbid matters and the body needs a lot of water to keep the sludge moving. Fever is needed to liquefy mucus and water is needed to keep the body from burning up in its own fire.
So what is water? Rain is Nature’s water. Un-polluted air produced pure rain with zero minerals in it, other than the microscopic dust from outer space. Nature uses this water also, fruit and berry trees/bushes absorbs only pure water through their root bark. All water sources that are not pure water, are not human sources for water. If non-human water is drunk, the digestive system will attempt to filter the minerals from the water and clog the system over time with inorganic deadly minerals, such as arsenic and lime.
Distilled water is the only water source, period. Reverse osmosis is not distilled or pure and according to Dr. Hulda Clark can and does do great damage over time to the Immune System.
Doctors dating back to civil war days have written of the need of distilled water in human health. Most cures demand distilled water.
No one has a good excuse for not making their own distilled water. It is a top priority in every kitchen, more important than any cook stove. Electric models make it easy and there are several non-electric models for those that choose to do so, the non-electric take effort to keep filled and not allowed to burn dry.
The energy from the sun and the air we breathe is only partially under our control of exposure and purity, but pure water is with in every ones control. When you consider the proportion of water the body is made of and the quantity taken in daily, no herb or drug or method can counter the poisons taken in from wrong water.
Distilled water is not natural when you consider it is not needed in a fresh fruit/berry diet, so when you drink distilled water; make fruit/berry juice with it, or at least herbal tea. If you drink it straight, add a little maple syrup, honey, lemon, or some natural concentrated natural mineral.
If you drink a can of pop or other non-human source of liquid that is commercially preserved with acids, you must drink 12 glasses of distilled water to neutralize the pop. The body will maintain proper blood pH even if it means you remove your bones out your daily urine!
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