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Doug Hagmann tells seminar three major crisis events are imminent
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Doug Hagmann tells seminar three major crisis events are imminent

National Insecurity Seminar: Killing off the United Sates dollar, World War Three, War against Christianity

Doug Hagmann tells seminar three major crisis events are imminent

By Marijane Green Sunday, June 9, 2013

Raleigh-Durham, NC-Three major crisis events are about to take place, revealed Doug Hagmann, the featured speaker Saturday 8 June 2013, on the second day of the “National Insecurity” seminar held in at the Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church outside of Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina.

This second day of the three-day seminar also featured Hagmann’s son Joe Hagmann, and Marine Gold Star mother Susan Price, who gave her speech the night before to kick off the seminar.

Doug Hagmann was expanding on his latest Canada Free Press article, “DHS Insider: It’s about to get very ugly.” This explosive story, in which he wrote would contain more details than the story revealed, needs to be read to under the context of his seminar speech.

For ease of identification, in this story I will refer to Doug and his son Joe Hagmann by their first names for clarity.

The crowd, which was approximately double the size of the 40 or so who attended the night before, many, who came from across the country, was literally buzzing with anticipation before becoming hushed as Pastor Randy Umberger stepped forward and gave a prayer to start the “National Insecurity” seminar.

Doug Hagmann stepped forward for his segment, which later would included a session with his son Joe Hagmann and a final type of roundtable, which included Gold Star mother Susan Price, as they gave their opinions and observations of various events.

Doug began his speech discussing his uncles’ murder. He had been stabbed 36 times, and it took five years before the case was finally solved. Doug told the audience, “You’re not going to get thanks or recognition for it. You are the leaders of your sphere of influence.”

He went back to the theme of his latest article, “DHS Insider” It’s about to get very ugly,” as he warned, “Things are going to begin to happen soon.”

Doug told the audience, “Everyone here will have tremendous impact on their sphere of influence.”

“People you meet in our life, you’re prepared for what’s coming,” he said as he continued and described how sources within the Department of Homeland Security, former Department of Justice people he knows and others are opening their eyes.

Doug told those in attendance, “What you take away is going to be so important. It’s going to change your life.”

“Take it to the Lord. Take it to God,” Doug said, as he told how God is on his mind 24x7.

“What we see now is of a spiritual nature” Doug said.

“Spying Eyes” was the front page headline on a USA Today Doug held up, saying he got it at his hotel today.

Doug reminded the seminar attendees not to trust one certain media source, but said, “Take it to God.”

“You’re the small group that will make this happen. You’re going to help others understand what’s going on. There’s a world wide Conspiracy going on.”

“You’re heard of the Illuminati, the Tri-Lateral Commission?” Doug asked, and joked at the largely positive response and said to quiet laughter, the crowd was an advanced class.

“All politics is on a local level. Can’t change Washington without changing the local (political leaders.)”

Doug described three major crisis events about to take place and said they are in no particular order.

I. Killing off the United Sates dollar

The killing off of the United Sates dollar. Doug said this was an active maneuver.

People in power have been actually killing our economy since 1913, the year of the Federal Reserve. It’s an end game we’re watching, he said. A Cyprus type situation could be expected soon in the U.S., he added.

II. The start of World War Three

The start of World War Three. Doug asked if people heard of Benghazi? It’s not about a video he said, explaining it was part of the “Arab Spring” and was a logistics station for weapons smuggling from Libya to Syria. It’s Obama’s agenda, Valerie Jarrett’s agenda to topple Assad, he explained.

Doug described how Putin supports Assad and if he is toppled, it will cause a World War Three to start, and biological, chemical, and even nuclear weapons will be used. Doug explained how during the G.W. Bush administration, they were actively talking at the Pentagon of Biblical prophesy. There currently is talk of something referred to as a “no fly zone” or an air blockade Doug said, adding that it’s likely there would be boots on the ground in Syria.

Referring to Gold Star Marine Mom Susan Price, who was sitting on stage, along with Joe, Doug said of Price’s son Aaron Kenefick, who was killed in Afghanistan, “He was executed for his knowledge. He was a CIA asset. He was sent to his death. Doug said he is asked, “Will time be on our side?” His answer: “No.”

Doug thanked Pastor Umberger’s invitation to the event, saying he appreciated the chance, “To worship in church like this.” Doug said he was humbled by Pastor Umberger. Doug noted how he believes in the not so distant future, we will worship in small groups in peoples’ houses-in basements—and discussed some information about Christianity this weekend.

III. War against Christianity

Doug said, “Our government is going to step up the war against Christians. They are going to do it by legal means,” and cited how the 501C IRS delays were not just against the Tea Party. “War against Christianity,” is how Doug described it. Doug described it as a war against people who should take an active role.

Doug explained how the total thrown around about the dead in Syria right now is around 80,000. When World War III starts, there may be one million deaths there. Service members could be exposed to hideous things. Doug described how he wouldn’t want any of his family to be in the service now. “I never thought I’d say that,” he added.

One of the things they are doing Doug described, is “To kill off our nation while you watch.”

Doug described how he will be making a spiritual turn on his next five Sunday radio shows, including prayer and fasting with a focus on spiritual needs.

Doug warned, “We are going to face very difficult times.”

He described how when they kill the dollar, Americans won’t be able to buy bread, milk, and other staples.

The goal: One world government and there is no room for Christianity, Jesus, or “you in it.”

The world’s wealthiest and corporate elite, Doug said, are stripping our national identity. We can see it now on the southern border he added.

He said with a laugh, 8-9 million illegal immigrants? There’s that many in NY alone. He described a walk down 3 blocks of Queens, “You don’t know what country you are in.” Doug said there are actually more like 22 million illegal aliens already in the United States. Obama wants them to stay, Doug said, and now right and left don’t exist on the global list.

Doug suggested for those in attendance to look up when they got home, the “Moriah Conquering Wind,” something I never heard of before. Doing a brief Google search when I returned to my hotel room, I found it was, to my understanding, another name for the elitist groups such as the Illuminati, but I didn’t do further research than a Google search.

These elitist groups are genetically connected individuals, many relatives involved, or whole families.

Going back to Gold Star Mother Susan Price’s son, Doug said, “He was executed because of his knowledge,” as he described the persecution of Christians in the military, and decried the recent stories about Mickey Weinstein who is in the business of letting Christians in the military know that since they are Christians, they are not wanted.

Doug explained again about Price’s son as he said, when her son was executed, killed, murdered, he went through a box of information Susan gave him which her son kept. It contained information on becoming a free mason, and the opium trade, leading Doug to ask, “What are we doing in Afghanistan? We’re shipping drugs.”

Doug described how someone knows everything about Benghazi, and described how before the 9-11-12 attack, seven Red Crescent workers were kidnapped in Benghazi.

They had thrown a motor shell through the “consulate”. Doug made the point that this was, “No embassy or consulate.” He said it was, “The biggest CIA headquarters in Africa”.

Doug described how he talked to a friend of one killed, and stated, “It was a walled compound, villa. Seven Red Crescent workers were testing the defenses of a CIA compound.” Doug said his source talked to survivors and was “part of an elite team.”

Dough asked the crowd, “When Seals or Rangers are in trouble, who do you call?”He answered, “When they get in trouble, they call the Global Response Staff. (GRS).” Doug described this an elite team with only 50-60 people on the planet being members of GRS. If Embassy staff or State Department personnel get in trouble, they respond. They have the authority of a four star general Doug said. All they have to do, Doug said, is give the call sign of a bird and a series of numbers. Doug said, “Once this is set in motion, it can’t be stopped.”

Doug revealed that Glenn Doherty, one of the former Seals killed in Benghazi, made the correct call sign and counted on the U.S. government to send in help. Doug said there was an armed drone, air assets, and aircraft in the area. “They could have been rescued.”

“Glenn Doherty: he made the call 9-11-12.”

Susan Rice blamed the video.

Doug said, “The reason for no response? Obama and Jarrett did not want to reveal the truth.”

Doug said the truth was that “Forty million tons of weapons” were being shipped from Libya to Syria, and gave the details of how this was done. He said the “Same people who denied Benghazi help, were responsible for Susan’s son’s death.”

Doug explained how people in the media and general public misuse the term “consulate” in relation to the Benghazi compound, “It was a CIA compound, not a consulate”, Doug said. “What we saw in Benghazi was a Saudi operation.”

Doug said, “Obama’s network of criminals is now being exposed.” He held up the USA Today weekend edition, with “Spying Eyes” headlined on the front page. Doug went on to discuss Obama’s shady associations with Bill Ayers and others such as Valerie Jarrett, saying “The USA is a captured operation. Saudi compromised, a Saudi captured operation.”

“Obama, in my view, is a Manchurian Candidate,” Doug said.

Doug mentioned Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” and said he believes his influence is responsible for what we’re seeing today.

Doug said Obama and others of like mind, “Are following it to a ‘T’”. Doug said that the Administration is “siding with Islam,” and it’s all about oil, energy. “Russia will fall to Islam when Syria falls,” Doug said, and “Obama knows what he is doing.”

“When Syria falls,” Doug continued, “It will pull the trigger on the dollar.”

Doug described his secret meeting with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) insider in Washington, D.C. and said he was told, “Look, we American citizens have probably until October to get our affairs in order. Things are going to start.”

Of the July 3rd and 4th time period, Doug was told by his DHS insider, that “something, some situation will take place in the U.S., some shot across the bow will take place.” Doug said, “I can’t see the dates. But, according to my DHS insider, this will change things.”

Doug explained that by October, there will be great turmoil, war in Syria, Damascus, Israel possibly in ruin, and warned, “What you’re seeing is the end times.” He said, “People in power believe they are the anointed ones to issue in the New World Order. They will not leave until global governance is complete, and to do this they need the dollar collapse and war in Syria. Doug asked, “Who do the Saudis work for?” “Benghazi?” “Susan’s son?”

“Obama, Barry Soetoro is working for the Saudis,” Doug said. He continued, “What we’re seeing: End game.”

Doug said about seminar attendance, “The weather is bad, there’s water on the roads, and the church is not overflowing, but I didn’t expect it to be. If there are 2-3 people there, or even 1 or 2, get the word out.”

Doug described how, “everyone sitting here is born for this time in history, for a reason.”

“When friends or family say the economy is not going to fail; when we talk to spiritual people; we are here for a reason. Go to people. We need to be spiritually prepared for what’s coming. Spiritual. Intelligence.”

“Some Christians: we can’t stop what’s coming, but believe we can slow it down,” Doug said.

“Read your own mail,” Doug said. “Do what you’re supposed to do, what you need to do.”

“God is going to tell you what you need to do. Different for different people. Spread the word. Educate people. Do not do what was meant for others to do.”

“We’re together as a small group,” Doug said. “This is our future. That’s all we’re going to have: small groups of people praying to God. Those without spiritual preparation are not going to make it,” Doug said ending his segment.

The first part of the seminar’s second day, led by Doug Hagmann left many points to ponder, opened eyes, gave us new information, and made us aware we have much praying to do for the survival of an America we know and love.

The seminar continued in the afternoon with Joe Hagmann and Susan Price speaking, and the story will continue in part two with a report on their speeches.

Marijane Green is a Military Mom and journalism graduate from Wichita State University



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