Day 40 OJ Fast QB
I made it. But....
two days ago my body started huge detox again.
Lymph glands in my neck swollen sore throat and my teeth feel like they want to explode. Hve fever ahh the joys of the system purging. Nothing to complain about but I thought I would mention all these great ways the body can fix itself.
All of which is to be expected I suppose.
I still have metal in my mouth. alas. it will have to stay a while.
But the body does not lie and is telling me clean up some more.
So I embrace these aches and will try to continue for another 40 days. I had figured I would need more from the start.
But as MH said and I can really relate it takes but 21 days to break a habit and after pondering my choices I really did not feel like diving back into the food game just yet. I have a nice flow going here and obviously I need to do more work.
I have to figure a way to get some fats going my body is not producing any oils for my skin. But I never did the nut butter thing so maybe I could add that.
Apart from this huge detox which has me kinda shakey and achey and having not done enough sitz bath I would say OJ fast is a wonderful way back to restoring health.
see all you fasters one more round and Mr M.O.G. are you sweating it. I am after that crown of yours - just kidding I follow humbly in your footsteps mr Day 101.
Good luck to all on this fine day for a fast.