11 y
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1st "Iodine Center" in Tennessee
I am setting up the first "Iodine Center" in the USA.
A little Amish/Mennonite`Health Food Store in Tennessee will become the first
Iodine Center. They already have Lynn's books on their shelf.
Note Lynne's book is on sale again $14.36.
Now they will stock
Iodine and all of the required co-supplements, as described in this handout:
I recommend this store to everyone in my list for their
Iodine supplies, especially those who do not have a PC & cannot order online.
This model can be repeated everywhere at health food stores near you. Visit your local health food store, show them Lynne's book and ask if they would like be be an iodine center in your area. Give this handout to simplify the iodine protocol for them.
As with most families I have met in my area, this Amish family is suffering from nasty Iodine Deficiency symptoms.
Their 2 yr old daughter has a swollen thyroid, and the mother is suffering with cold hands, cold feet, extreme tiredness, and occasional depression.