Spinal Cord Astrocytoma
I'm 28 year old male from Bangalore India , Blood type o+ve.
I'm suffering from Intramedullary spinal cord astrocytoma WHO grade I(benign) , however the tumor is very inflammatory in nature , I keep getting swelling attacks every few days . These attacks cause swelling in the spinal cord and demyelineation and subsequent loss of strength and sensation. The damage keeps progressing till I take steroids(prednisolone) , as soon I take them the attack stops and over time my symptoms improve a bit, however I continue taking steroid for next few days , taper and stop.
Few things to note .
1. The time duration between the attacks has been continuously reducing and the rate has accelerated since I started alternative treatments (enzymes, alpha-lipolic acid, vitamins, diet etc)
2. I have a h pylori infection in the stomach too
Is the decrease in attack duration attributable inflammation created by my immune system attacking the tumor more aggressively or is my diesease getting worse.
If any you have ever seen any such cases please let me know and anything which can help my condition .
I have lost lot of strength and sensation in my legs and life has become miserable.