Re: got some stuff on my face and tongue...please help!
The stuff on your face is a bacterial infection, most likely staph infection. The stuff on your tongue looks like you have a small and possibly large bowel bacterial imbalance issue, and a yeast infection as well.
My opinion? treat the staph infection with high dose Vitamin C, zinc and echinacea. Use a calendula/tea tree oil water-based cream on your face, and wash twice a day with warm water and tea tree oil soap.
For the yeast infection, try a good candida approach, I've written extensively on this topic in numerous other posts and in particular, have spoken about these kinds of combined bacterial/yeast imbalances in previous posts, I'm sure, but can't remember which post!
ps - be careful about loading up on
Antibiotics for the staph infection on your face, they will potentially cause the yeast infection to go pout of control!