Strawberries by MH
The Strawberry patch is just about ready for picking, 4-5 ripe berrys tonight and TREVOR AGE 2 spacked his lips and the boys were grabbing for first choice.
I am experimenting raising fruits and even vegetables with pond water as a organic method ans so far it is working really well. The water is more than enough natural fertilizer.
Our land flows downward over 1,400 feet to the road from the house and the pond water will flow to the road under natural pressure and is really cool. This is how many old farmers used water, they always built their houses on a hill near a spring when ever possible. My MOM gave the boys some seeds to plant, she as well planted these same type seeds and ours came up faster on the pond water and had better germination.
In this pond water I can add all the natural mineral salts as well as natural Iodine, etc. The last thing I would call this method is "ORGANIC" because organic allows all kinds of crap to be used, this method is pure fish crap from the bottom of a pond. The American Indian was know to bury fish guts in their gardens and this method mimmicks such old wisdom.
Maybe in years to come people will spend a day at the little cabins when the fruits are in season and get up early, play in the sun/water and venture over and eat fresh berrys off the plants and naturally the boys will show them where the best ones are! All my boys love to eat berrys direct from the plants, dirt,bugs and all at times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In nature would it be any other way???????????????????