HFLC Raw Vegan help- Rainbow Green Diet? Daily menu ideas?
I've been high raw and a part of the online raw food community since 2009, but recently I've discovered that I have an endocrine disorder which causes severe insulin resistance and uncontrolled hormone imbalance. This would explain why the past 3+ years I have had an increase of symptoms on a low fat high carb lifestyle. According to positive research findings I need to be eating a high fat, low carb diet. In fact, ketosis is proven to control symptoms, so vegetables would have to be the only source of carbs in my diet. When I switched to a cooked high fat diet, many of my symptoms disappeared overnight and my moods balanced almost immediately, but I'm uncomfortable eating this way. I'm not willing to go back to high carb because I feel so much better already, but I know I can do better, and I want to get back to raw. I've had to make a lot of compromises in the name of health.
All my raw experience is from a high carb background, so I'm not sure how to translate a very low carb diet into a raw vegan one. I've heard of the diabetes plan for Dr. Gabriel Cousens and was planning on ordering his Rainbow Green Live Food Cuisine book, although I'd love to get some feedback here. I've read that it's perfect for those with insulin resistance and candida, both of which are huge problems for me. Are there any other raw vegans on here that eat high fat for things like diabetes, PCOS, or other issues, and what do you eat every day? I really don't like spending a lot of time on recipes, and I dislike things like raw soups or pureed foods. Is the Cousens book worth getting in my situation? I'd prefer to just eat simple foods with little prep time. I can spend 1-2 days a week preparing ready made foods if necessary, I'm just not sure where to start. I've spent the last few years demonizing fat only to realize that it's helping me to finally heal :) It's quite humbling.
I was thinking plenty of vegetables, avocados, coconut oil, salads, seed cheese, seed crackers, fermented coconut yogurt...simple stuff. I love chia seeds and chlorella, I'm happy with wheatgrass. I don't mind eating mostly the same things every day. I also own a Brevelle, the medium quality one so if green juices are necessary it's no problem.
(PS please don't try to get me to go back to high carb, it AINT happening, lol! I still feel it works for many people, but my body is not normal and does not process fruit like everyone else's. I wish it did, I love fruit and would have eaten that way forever if it had helped me at all. Peace to fruit lovers :) )