Re: Possible bowel obstruction - help needed
Hi k
Dont have a solution - just to tell that psyllium also constipating me several times and I avoid it. The same with charcoal and DE and bentonite. All of them are constipating me. Senna tea did almost nothing except disturbing my electrolyte balance the same as charcoal. I now avoid them and rely on plain water enema.
The same with raw veggies or juices.
I guess he could try avoiding them for the moment and see.
CZ is a great place to learn and get advice BUT we have to face the truth about everybody is different even we had great success with one single way.
I received the same advice with psyllium raw veggie juice etc....many times...worst for me. Or "hit them harder is the only way". not always true.
For me digestive enzymes really help cooked veggies vitC plain water enema. I would check the diet and see if everything is ok with him/her. Did not try yet but heard of large dose vitC powder but not sure with obstructed colon.
Btw many thanks for your messages I found some valuable ideas in there.