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Re: Turmeric versus curcumin
saywhatagain Views: 4,659
Published: 12 y
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Re: Turmeric versus curcumin

It is always better to take the whole form of herbs instead of one small part of an herb that is extracted. Herbal extracts are fine as long as they are extracts of the herb in its entirety. Foods and herbs contain many various medicinal properties, and in their whole forms they are not harmful to the body (but there are still some side effects depending on the herb and need to be taken with caution). If you just extract out one tiny substance out of a whole food or an herb, it becomes much more dangerous because usually within that herb or food there are many substances that would normally work to help balance out any possible side effects a person would feel from taking it. This is basically what pharmaceutical companies do, they search various herbs and extract certain components, making them much more dangerous than the original product. Pharmaceutical companies know that once people learn how to use herbs effectively in their whole forms, they will be finished. Ayurveda is the best source for how to properly use herbs safely and with amazing results.


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