Re: N00bie
About the de-wormer, why don't you start out with MH's? It's the best and it tastes good too!
As for your son's distended stomach, what is his diet like? My daughter is the same way and her stomach is flat as long as she doesn't consume dairy or wheat products. Diet is number one for health problems and if your family is eating the standard american diet, that explains a lot.
As for your friend, I'm not sure what his dieitary habits are, but if he is consuming a lot of unatural beverages, coffee, soad, beer ect, he is throwing his mineral balance off. That is what kidney stones are, a mineral imbalance problem. He needs to drink distilled water only and maybe do a one day watermelon fast. That is where for one day all you eat is watermelon. It's good for breaking down kidney stones. As for the distilled water, it is pure and will help his body break down unwanted mineral deposits. It won't work if he is still drinking and eating un-natural though.