For the past month I've been dosing daily: 150 mg Lugols and 300mg SSKI . Last week I been trying the daily dose: 150 mg Lugols and 300 mg x 3 SSKI . For the past week I have felt more energy throughout the day than I ever have. I have always taken the companions. It's been about 7 months total since I've been supplementing iodine.
I just took a 2 days off, and for those 2 days, and I still am, very depressed and sad feeling. I have no energy, and just want to mope around or stare at a wall. It feels like when I was on Paxil at one time. I've also developed a headache during the 2 days off. I figured the break would be good for my kidneys and such, but it now seemed like a bad idea. I've taken breaks/pulse dosed in the past with the much smaller doses, and never felt anything like this before.
Any idea why this could be? Should I jump back into the gram doses?