Re: health update
Funny I JUST found this after i posted the following: (maybe god is thinking of me???)
"I don't want to sound pathetic or dramatic, but I woke up again not being able to sleep past a certain time even though I cold feel inside my head I needed more sleep!!!!!!!! The thickness, fullness, tingling, pressure in my temples, irritability, sadness. I feel the WORLD of a difference when I just get a solid night's sleep.
I can't take this anymore! I'm very serious. My son has missed yet ANOTHER day of school because of mommy being sick. Now I have to torture him once again by him watching me lying in the bed alll day because I feel like a wad of crap and I am totally incapacitated to complete the smallest task!!
I just don't even want to live like this anymore. I can't find ONE person that has been cured of this adrenal fatigue to help. I wanted a cure so that I could share it with others but I'm tired of this 5+ year fight with my adrenals and thyroid disease (initially I had adrenal fatigue ad then graves). I am so sensitive to everything I take...I feel better when I just take nothing. Herbs, vitamins ...just very apprehensive to take anything. I'm getting so fat and I do all the right things! I hate looking at myself and being in my skin. My hair is thin. My stomach has rolls. I hat watching people eat all the bad crappy food and drink everyday when I eat fish and veggies and drink water and I can't sleep and gain weight while they abuse their bodies and sleep like a rock! I don't eat refined sugar, drink juice, I eat a gluten free/ dairy free diet! Done detoxes. I'm better than I was but hit a plateau. I can see the finish line, but unfortunately I've collapsed and have NOTHING left. I'm tired of fighting...just so tired. Tired of hurting my baby boy. Tired of canceling and having every important function of my life being ruined.
I'M DESPERATE FOR RELIEF. NO ONE SHOULD LIVE LIKE THIS. Anyone been cured PLEEEASE? Otherwise, anyone have something that could kill me in my sleep. I've asked God to Just take me while I'm sleep but that hasn't worked...nothing works anymore...