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Re: Please help! Could I have parasites? Scared :(
sarahhope Views: 6,058
Published: 12 y
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Re: Please help! Could I have parasites? Scared :(

Peggyaus is right, try not to freak out. I think everybody gets a little freak out at some stage and it would be unatural not to. However, I've found the calmer I am, the more level headed I am which means the more effectively I can deal with all of this. I want everthing to be fixed instantly and I have come to accept this is a process. I too have a rescue dog that was infected with every worm possible(so said the vet), and I have just come to believe he never really rid of them. As peggyaus said, tests/stool samples are almost always inaccurate. I believe it is the same for animals, as I have pressed the issue at my vet every visit, always neg (I don't even trust they even do it), just based on how they forget to give me the results, and I always have to point is they don't treat the matter carefully, because they don't think it's an important issue (similar to MD's). However, they obviously don't have worms OR they don't mind that they have worms.

I do, and clearly you do too. I would follow the above advice @ treating with something to see if you get any results. I would suggest if you feel like you are getting die off (feeling sickish from anti-parasitic herbs), use a plactic fork or something to look in the toilet, where you may identify something. Eggs, remains of anything...I only say this because I never saw anything definitive in all the times I took herbs, but to be fair I wasn't looking, nor did I know what to look for. Maybe you could take a picture if you have a camara on your phone and use that to compare to info you look up on the web, rather than having to look everything up before hand..(I've found it to be grueling at times).

Next, I would treat my pets again. I am seeing a new vet next week that I was referred to and hoping that they will be sensitive to the issue. Furthermore, I have read that DIATOMACEOUS EARTH is extremely effective for you and your pets. It's all natural, non-toxic, and cheap. You can put it in your litter boxes even. I plan to give my dog 2 tablespoons 2X a day in his water--he's 90 lbs. I read today overdosing is not an issue as any excess is released through the intestines and kidneys.

I am planning to pick some up today for myself--starting 1 tablespoon twice daily, the 2 twice daily within a few days---and for my pooch. Read up on their website for info.. Anyway, my plan is to use this to reduce the load, that any other treatment will have a smaller population to eliminate. DE destroys their cuticle which causes them to dry out and die.

Another thing I've found to be extremely helpful, again low cost and safe is Bentonite clay and psyllium husks. I was always killing stuff but never had proper elimination, therefore I didn't get the true relief or optimize my cleansing efforts.

Good luck and ask whatever questions you need to to keep from stressing out.



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