up date/
Well a year and half down with the amazing help from all of you,
I just got my
Iodine loading test back,
When I started, febuary 2 2012 with first test 24 HOUR excetion was 28.6
this months test showed 34.5 excretion
Iodine suffieciency was 57% this test it is 69%
Bromide excretion was 13.5% this test 5.54 (HOLY MOLI)
THIS test we did floride 1.35% range is 1.3%
What i think made strides was the co factor that my gy never pushed or talked about that i learned here, when he wanted me to start I told him I already have as i share first results to cure zone and this is what they shared with me, So I am encouraged,
I also had a salvia test and had zero levels of dhea, glutten intolerance, and insulin resistant was sever, I have started a new regiment of tinctures for dhea and adrenal stressor, only been a week and am feeling like life is coming back and have a better concentration, whew getting scary there with the fog, so I want to thank you all for your support as I felt like a idiot and desperate at times, but hung in, i come on every day and read , did not want to post because I felt hopeless that things were not w orking for me , so there you go, to all the nuts out ther thanks again , will keep you posted love and hugs Linda