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Re: Thought I was beating pinworm, or is it something else? Drug advice needed.
peggyaus Views: 3,205
Published: 12 y
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Re: Thought I was beating pinworm, or is it something else? Drug advice needed.

Hi there,

If you try the Miracle-Mineral-Supplement you will see that it is the gas produced by mixing the Miracle-Mineral-Supplement solution with the activator which does the work.. and you can inhale it, sniff it, and drink it. I used it for about a month and it did seem to be very effective, but yeah, I'm not entirely friendly with it to take long term.

The mirena is supposed to by synthetic protesterone, supposedly balancing out estrogen, but from my reading protesterone can also convert to estrogens... a tell tale sign of estrogen dominance are weight gain, breasts growing, large buttocks and hightened emotionality. Not sure if this is what you are experiencing but if so you might try and address it by taking DIM which removed excess estrogen from your system.


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