i didn't bother farting around with that stuff just jump right into a bath with epsons salts/a bit of tea tree oil/ or whatever you have around. Really they come out with nothing if you just slather yourself with organic coconut oil after your bath/shower. You can then watch them squirm out from all over your body. I've had hundred come out and I started with just a bit of eye trouble so yhea get them all out! I do oil morning and night and finally after day 5 only babies and eggs coming out of skin. phew it was pretty intense for awhile but everyone has them. you catch them from your mom and you either are sensitive or not but everyone has them. So tell everyone!! or they will just keep reinfecting you everytime you shake someones hand. I watch this huge one squirm out of my sisters hand and she is a massager!! it was spectacularly disgusting and I don't know why they call them mircroscope because they are easy to see. I don't even care which ones they are I just want them all out!!! Tons of stuff comes out eggs/threads/black things/white things it is bloody amazing. Keep at it though and you will feel so clean and relieved quickly except sometimes they get stuck in a pore and then a breakout/redness/infection can occur. I just put a bit of plysporin on then. Have fun picking!! Or just wash them off with another shower when they finish poring out. I find massaging firmly gets them to really pop out. I had tons come out on my upper legs as it was easy to press down and really suffocate them with the oil. Tell me how you do. I got them off my kids too and I just put coconut oil on them after their shower. Nothing else.