The anti-vaccination fraud: Health officials forced to get tough as once-dormant diseases returning
The anti-vaccination fraud: Health officials forced to get tough as once-dormant diseases returning
Tristin Hopper
Friday, May 3, 2013
The idea that vaccines are a threat to public health, lives on in a worldwide scourge of plummeting
vaccination rates — and a troubling resurgence of once-dormant diseases. Tyler Anderson/National Post files
VANCOUVER — Late last month, public health officials issued a final ultimatum to the parents of school students in the Ottawa area: Vaccinate your kids, or we will suspend them from school.
On Wednesday, Ottawa Public Health made good on the threat. As of Thursday night, 603 Ottawa students had been sent home by suspension orders.
Many parents have rejected inoculations for their children due to autism fears. Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images
The idea is not to suspend students arbitrarily, say officials, but to drive home the point that they are no longer messing around when it comes to parents who forget to vaccinate their children — or who refuse the shots outright due to pseudoscientific claims.
Eric Leclair, spokesman for the agency, says there are “a lot of mistruths out there.”
“We have to fight that reality and try to show that vaccination, next to clean water and sanitation, is the most powerful public health tool that exists on the planet.”
Twenty-five years ago, in an act of scientific fraud that has since gone down as one of the biggest lies in modern medical history, a onetime University of Toronto researcher named Andrew Wakefield published a study claiming a link between autism and the vaccines that prevent measles, mumps and rubella.
The findings have been debunked, the study has been retracted, and Mr. Wakefield has been stripped of his medical licence and accused of collecting more than half a million dollars from lawyers drawing up litigation based on his bogus claims.
Regardless, Mr. Wakefield’s unholy creation, the idea that vaccines are a threat to public health, lives on in a worldwide scourge of plummeting
vaccination rates — and a troubling resurgence of once-dormant diseases.
Canada’s public health officials may have once been content to sit back and lob informational pamphlets at vaccine alarmists. But now, with preventable epidemics returning to the Canadian landscape, schools, hospitals and doctors are buckling down to stamp out the forces of anti-immunization once and for all.
Ottawa’s “vaccinate or stay home” regulations have actually been on the books since the early 1980s, but officials never felt the need to fully enforce them until now.
“It’s being taken seriously more and more,” said Mr. Leclair, citing a 2011 measles outbreak that struck Quebec. Sweeping through unvaccinated populations, the outbreak became the largest anywhere in North and South America since 2002, when the continents were optimistically DE CLAREd “measles free.”
Andrew Wakefield (R) and his wife in 2010. Mr. Wakefield has been stripped of his medical licence over his report linking
vaccinations to autism. Shaun Curry/AFP/Getty Images
Ottawa’s efforts, in turn, have been mirrored across Ontario, one of three Canadian provinces (New Brunswick and Manitoba being the other two) that require public school students to turn in their immunization records.
“The suspension process really works well,” said Bill Sherlock, a vaccine coordinator with the Hastings & Prince Edward Counties Health Unit, based just west of Kingston, Ont. “We’re getting upwards of 90% [vaccination] coverage, and I don’t think you’re going to get that with a newspaper or radio ad.” (By the end of their suspension campaign, Mr. Sherlock estimated that only about a dozen students were still holding out; they are back in class, but on the understanding they will be sent at home at the first sign of an epidemic.)
On Friday, the Canadian Pediatric Society went live with a new “practice point” advising doctors how to work with “vaccine-hesitant parents.” The three-page paper carefully walks physicians through a battery of techniques meant to change parental behaviour before concluding with point five: “Do not dismiss children from your practice because parents refuse to immunize.”
“When we see children with a disease that could have prevented with vaccination, it’s really quite frustrating,” said Dr. Jane Finlay, one of the study’s co-authors.
Since November, for instance, more than 1,000 people in Wales have been infected with measles as the disease swept through a generation of people whose parents eschewed inoculations due to autism fears. With Welsh-levels of inoculation common across Europe, similar epidemics could just as easily strike the continent.
Dr. Jane Finlay: ”it's really quite frustrating.” Ben Nelms for National Post
“It is just a matter of time before a child is left with serious and permanent complications such as eye disorders, deafness or brain damage, or dies,” Dr. Marion Lyons, director of health protection for Public Health Wales, told Welsh media on Thursday.
Dr. Finlay’s Richmond, B.C., office is only two blocks from the Vancouver International Airport — the primary gateway through which infectious diseases can enter Western Canada.
During the 2010 Olympics, for instance, a single infected visitor spread measles to 85 British Columbians. Two years before, an anti-vaccine religious group in Chilliwack, B.C., allowed mumps to get a foothold that infected nearly 200 people and brought the disease right to Vancouver’s doorstep.
“I think [doctors] should be more proactive,” said Dr. Finlay.
Vaccination, by definition, is a never-ending struggle between individual rights and the protection of society as a whole. “When it comes to vaccinations, protection of society as a whole wins out for me,” said Dr. Finlay.
A crackdown on anti-vacciners is also underway at Canadian hospitals, although they face a slightly different camp of opponents. In B.C. last fall, hospital staff were placed under mandatory
vaccination orders, prompting calls from vaccine-hesitant health workers that the jab was an unnecessary violation of their individual rights.
“We always encourage our members to get vaccinated, but we also believe that they have a right to make their own personal health choices,” Miriam Sobrino, spokeswoman with the Health Sciences Association of B.C., the uniion representing the province’s non-nurse, non-doctor health-care professionals, told the Post in October.
Unlike Mr. Wakefield’s autism claims, the health workers at least have some shred of credible
Science to back up their assertion that the jab can sometimes appear unnecessary.
“What we were looking for is proof that influenza … is decreased. Didn’t find it. We looked for proof that pneumonia is reduced. Didn’t find it. We looked for proof deaths from pneumonia are reduced. Didn’t find it,” Dr. Roger Thomas of the University of Calgary told the Post in 2010 following the release of paper he co-authored questioning the effectiveness of flu vaccines.
‘I would be very glad to say that the anti-vaccination movement is dead and buried, but I really don’t think it is’
The shot is somewhat ineffectual, sometimes logging effectiveness rates nearing 50%. Nevertheless, proponents maintain the figures are irrelevant when it comes to keeping hospitals free of disease. “The questions to consider are ‘does it protect health care workers? Does it save patients’ lives?’ The answer is yes to both,” Dr. Allison McGeer, head of infection control at Toronto’s Mount Sinai Hospital, told Global News in March.
As Western countries go, Canada is actually quite soft on vaccine denialists. In the United States, schools maintain “minimum immunization requirements” for pupils entering kindergarten. And in Australia last month, the president of the Australian Medical Association actively called for sanctions against vaccine-eschewing parents.
“We’ve seen a couple of pockets where there are outbreaks,” Dr. Steve Hamilton told reporters on April 1, ‘‘and in both those areas there … are anti-vaccination networks active and they should be stopped.’’
In Canada, the culprit may not be so much ignorance as complacency. Canadian cities no longer abound with limping polio victims and measles-scarred children, prompting a new generation of Canadians to assume that measles and polio — like smallpox — is no longer a health risk.
Actress Jenny McCarthy speaks at a rally calling for healthier vaccines in 2008. Brendan Hoffman/Getty Images
In a 2011 survey commissioned by the Public Health Agency of Canada examining “barriers” to immunization, the top reason parents cited for not vaccinating their children was “vaccines are not necessary.” In a distant second place was “concerns about vaccine safety.”
In recent months, the Centre for Inquiry, a Toronto-based secular advocacy group, has emerged as a leader in the charge against anti-vacciners.
In March, it spearheaded a much-publicized appeal against an anti-vaccine summit to be hosted at Simon Fraser University. The month before, they spurred a successful campaign to have prominent vaccination foe Jenny McCarthy dropped from an Ottawa cancer fundraiser.
An actor, former Playboy model and wife of Canadian-born actor Jim Carrey, Ms. McCarthy is arguably the most vocal face of the anti-vaccination lobby. Blaming her son’s autism on vaccines, since 2007 she has repackaged Mr. Wakefield’s claims into a series of influential books and talk show appearances.
Yet, as the Centre for Inquiry’s opponents go, the anti-vaccine movement is among the least structured, with no centralized body and few visible spokespeople.
No organized resistance seems to have arisen to oppose the likes of Ottawa Public Health. The children of hardcore vaccine holdouts can return to school after a 20-day suspension, on the condition that they will be immediately sent home in the case of an epidemic.
According to the Centre for Inquiry’s executive director, Michael Payton, the movement’s scattered nature makes it more dangerous than ever. Instead of fighting against coordinated public campaigns, pro-vaccinations must do battle against a faceless network of blogs and social media posts.
“I would be very glad to say that the anti-vaccination movement is dead and buried, but I really don’t think it is,” he said. “It will continue to have a very different sort of presence that is much more difficult to combat because it is so disorganized.”
Last week, researchers at the University of Guelph announced that they had discovered a vaccine to combat Clostridium bolteae, a gut bug that causes painful gastrointestinal issues — and is particularly prominent in sufferers of autism.
Asked about the wonderful irony of an autism-fighting vaccine, Guelph Professor Mario Monteiro replied in a Friday email to the Post, “our sole aim is to improve the quality of life of autistic patients through the design of well defined vaccines.”
“Any non-science aspects of this issue are not on our scientific mission radar.”
National Post