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Re: GSE contain Benzethonium chloride?
ericbakker Views: 1,580
Published: 12 y
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Re: GSE contain Benzethonium chloride?

James - I couldn't care less about what Wikipedia says about GSE, they don't even believe that candida really exists anyways. GSE has helped so many of my patients out, I don't tend to get anally hung up on Benz. Chlor. And if anybody does, my reply to them is: "If your are so hung up, why do you still talk and receive calls on your IPhone", LOL. We tend to look at ONE thing in life - point the finger at it, then step outside and breathe all that lovely pollution in as we are bombarded by microwaves from all directions, and then later drink some water or eat some food with dozens of chemicals. I just don't buy it and have come to laugh at folks who live such lop-sided lifestyles.

Look at the big picture. I'm more concerned at the totality of what my patients do in their lives, e.g; their diet and their lifestyle, but especially their emotional state and their stress levels and what they do to mitigate these responses.

GSE works, liquid IS better, but man, it tastes like crap. It seems to be OK is grapefruit juice, but be aware of the flavonoid called naringenin which can upregulate a particular P450 enzyme.

I prefer the dried version, and now recommend products with a GSE flavonoid content of at least 45%. A thousand patients can't be wrong.


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