Re: Intestinal Fungal Candida
Thank you for your willingness to help me out. The stool tests that I had done were as you said "x 3 stool test, i.e; do three separate stool samples on three concurrent days". They detected nothing, and yet my problem persists. I probably need more tests, but there's no way at this point that I can eat what I'd like or stop supplementation, because I feel that the candida is too advanced for me to indulge in anything my taste buds fancy. I was actually getting a lot better after my second
colonic hydrotherapy session and I thought I was in the safe zone and I started to indulge in Greek yogurt, lemonade, chocolate cookies, etc., and within days my intestinal candida symptoms resurfaced with a vengeance and now I'm having a hell of a hard time keeping it at bay. I started taking psyllium fiber powder last week to assist in a
Colon Cleanse and I was progressively getting better from my intestinal symptoms, but since Tuesday of this week I've been going down hill, but I don't know why. It's almost as if what I'm doing is now becoming ineffective. I'll stick to it though, but it's getting tougher everyday. I'm going to start doing enemas soon to see if I can eradicate the problem gradually.