5 years post-removal
Well, today is my 5 year anniversary of having my Mirena out. I was hoping I'd be 100% by now. I'm pretty close, maybe 90-95%. I feel symptoms from about the second day of my period to about a week after usually, or when there are viruses in the house, but I just get extra rest and it's ok.
For those of you who've been around a long time post-Mirena, and can't remember what "normal" feels like anymore, and are wondering if you'll ever get better - NEVER GIVE UP!! I was feeling that way even 6 months ago, and now I'm doing SO much better! I feel normal most days, which is wonderful. Key things for me are making sure my TSH levels are right (I'm slightly hypothyroid due to mirena), keeping my Vitamin D levels up with D3 supplements (4000 mcg/day), 2 fish oil capsules/day, eliminating silicones from my diet and beauty regimen, avoiding caffiene, and forcing myself to exercise. (For those who are wanting to exercise, but need to work up to it, I recommend trying the Couch-to-5K running program (google it). You start out really slow and build up to running a 5k in 9 weeks). I feel so strong and good about myself when I run.
Best wishes to all of you!