Re: sf722
I finally got my order of Candida Force from the Dr. Jeff McCombs Plan website, (Same thing as SF722, different Label) After 8 days of dosage its worked very well. So far I would have to say its worked better than anything else I have tried. And already have taken/tried Oregano Oil, Coconut Oil/Caprylic Acid, GrapeFruit Seed Extract, Candex, Hydrogen Peroxide.
SF722 gives me alot more die-off and has greatly imporved my symptoms more than the other stuff. Although I still take GrapeFruit Seed Extract,and Coconut Oil 3 times a day... dont want to rotate Antifungals.
Ofcourse you need to stay with the Low Carb/No
Sugar diet to see progress.
Im not cured 100%, will post when that happens.
The McCombs Protocol recommends to take SF722 daily for 2 months.