Should I get saliva test done if I have these issues?
Looking at my symptoms I'd say that my cortisol level is low in the morning and non-existent in the evening because I barely have enough energy to sit up with my back straight during my evening meditation. It coincides with the worsening of the
food allergies symptoms, so it would be nice to know what's going on.
The problem is that I'm tapering off Xanax and benzos might make any testing a waste of money and time. I'm afraid that the cortisol level will be artificially lowered following taking the dose or falsely elevated if I skip it.
I also wanted to find out the reproductive hormones levels because my physical appearance is changing so dramatically that I don't even look like the same person compared to pre AF. My boobs went from size A to size C and my body started to acquire more feminine-like softness all around. I'm not trying to say I look like Kim.K yet but I really liked the way I used to look before, so I want my body back and these changes are certainly not welcome. I know I shouldn't be thinking about looks now but... I don't want to look like crap...on top of feeling like crap...
I'm thinking about the possible estrogen dominance taking place and I have no idea how to test for it because estrogen and progesteron always change throughout the menstrual cycle.
My cycle has a mind of its own, so its really hard to say what's going on.
When is it generally recommended to test the female reproductive hormones?... If the is such a recommendation....
They have a diurnal cortisol and reproductive panel at CanaryClub for $179 but I'm afraid that I'm just going to waste money and energy dealing with this... Because of these two problems.
What do you guys think?...