Boycott Monsanto! Live in the Garden of Eden with fruits and vegetables grown from Organic Heirloom Seeds - Where to buy them
Boycott Monsanto! Live in the Garden of Eden with fruits and vegetables grown from Organic Heirloom Seeds - Where to buy them
by JB Bardot
See all TBYIL articles by JB Bardot
(The Best Years in Life) Instead of nurturing humanity through education, healthy eating, natural medicine and planting ancient organic heirloom fruits and vegetables, the Evil Empire of Monsanto and the various committees of the current American administration seem committed to their GMO agenda of taking over the farming and agricultural industries world-wide. Wrecking havoc one plant at a time, it is now known that 90 to 95 percent of the world's heirloom seeds are now extinct; and, what’s left are bioengineered plants responsible for promoting deadly diseases; famines due to non-sustainability; altered genetics in plants, animals and humans, and decimated agricultural economies around the globe.
In a devious act of betrayal towards humanity, the Monsanto Protection Act was signed into being, creating a monster intended to destroy heirloom seeds, heritage livestock and to threaten global human survival. GM seeds have had their DNA altered and their resulting vegetables can alter human DNA and RNA.
Fortunately, that's not all that's happening in the plant kingdom. In a movement to prevent the total decimation of ancient grains and heirloom varieties of fruits, vegetables and flowers, seed banks are sprouting around the globe, storing the wealth of thousands of varieties of heirloom seeds still in existence. Strong resistance abounds from home gardeners to large sustainable and environmentally responsible corporations who grow heirloom plants for both consumption and seed saving in an effort to prevent starvation now and for future generations. Read More.