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Re: What is your fasting kit?
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Re: What is your fasting kit?

Great post chiron, thanks.

I think I have anxiety about a long fast. I broke a 25 day fast after reading a book that said one should not fast unsupervised for longer than a week. I was reading everything I could while fasting, as a long fast was new to me, and this book I got from Amazon. I sort of knew what it was saying was rubbish, as the book was full of bad fasting advice, but the worm of anxiety crawled into my consciousness, and I started to feel like I was possibly venturing too far into this unknown territory.

I regret stopping now. The fast was going just fine, and it was easy by that stage- hunger was a distant memory.
I think if I have something that reassures me as I (hopefully) go past 30 days, and that can provide readings in the event of sudden bodily changes, I'll find that really useful.

I'll check out the Pirinton book you mentioned... and a rose garden? Well, I can dream!


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