Colostrum is GOOD with candida, but be sure to get a colostrum with at least a 20% IgG immunoglobulin content. Some folks will say "but it's a dairy product and will cause allergies", Not all dairy product give a strong allergic response I say. Besides, how far do you want to push this "allergy" thing anyway, people have to come down to earth and eat a "normal" diet sooner or later. As the gut improves, so will the allergic response.
Best to start with small amounts of colostrum, and preferably as the diet is improving and appropriate cultured and fermented foods are added to the diet, this is a key step in turning the corner for many with yeast infections/dysbiosis. One of the best colostrums is an American colostrum (not NZ) which came from the cow within 12 hours of calving. Makes sense? It has the best immunofactor content and a high lactoferrin content to boot.