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Re: My Protocol/Diet is working well sofar!
ericbakker Views: 1,171
Published: 12 y
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Re: My Protocol/Diet is working well sofar!

It sounds like you are on the road to recovery. Most cases take between 4 - 6 months in my experience, if they do everything right. Be sure to rest up, get plenty of sleep and back-off if you aggravate too much. I've noticed that some folks actually delay recovery if the have too much die-off and aggravate too much, and I've written about this a lot.

Good to see you incorporating sauerkraut, these kinds of foods get you better faster. These are the recommendations I make and have been for years, they work. You can also incorporate quinoa, buckwheat and millet, they appear to be OK for most folks. Buckwheat pancakes are great, and tolerated by many.


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