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Order of supplements - does it matter how/when I take them?
FranzFan Views: 1,113
Published: 12 y

Order of supplements - does it matter how/when I take them?

Hi All,

I am taking various supplements to help support adrenal and thyroid function, both of which are deficient in my case. As such, I am taking many of the familiar array of supplements.

I wondered if anyone had any thoughts on if the following protocol is a sutiable one, or if certain supplements should be taken at different times, or away from other supplements?

- Wake up: 12.5mg iodine, 2 tablets of Nutri Adrena Extra, 1 tablet of high strength vitamin C, water kefir, 5,000 iu Vitamin D

- Before lunch: 12.5m iodine, 2 tablets Nutri Adrenal Extra

- After lunch: 200mcg Selenium

- Dinner: 200mcg Selenium, 5,000 iu Vitamin D

- Before bed: milk kefir, gaba

I also take hcl and Pancreatin with meals as I have very low stomach acid.

I am also chelating using 15mg ALA every 3 hours at weekends as I believe I have mercury toxicity too.

Thanks for any tips...


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