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Re: how does mold feed candida?
ericbakker Views: 6,172
Published: 12 y
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Re: how does mold feed candida?

You say "once you breathe in mold spores, candida attaches to the spores and begins to proliferate", I'd like to know more about this. Where does this come from? I've not seen this before in any studies or literature and would love to see the citations.

According to Dr. Leo Galland, a leading American mold health expert, molds contain "bio-aerosols" that consist of microscopic living fungi and/or bacteria that can and do circulate freely in the air. Legionnaire’s disease is one such well-known example and this disease has killed many susceptible folks over the years. An adverse reaction to mold depends largely on how much a person is exposed to, the age of the person and the person’s sensitivities or allergies - basically the response is dictated according to the health of their immune system. The same amount of mold may cause serious health effects in one person, but nothing in another. Mold experts like Galland believe that mold may be responsible for many hidden health problems not necessarily linked to the sick building syndrome.

A study in Scotland where mold and mildew are abundant, (just like New Zealand), found that those who lived in housing that was judged to be damp or showed visible signs of mildew, (particularly in bedrooms) had far greater rates of ALL sickness than those who lived in much drier environments. These differences were independent of smoking, occupation or income. It is a well known fact that damp homes "breed" both mold and dust mites more easily and indoor levels of molds can reach concentrations that are tens of thousands greater than those outside.

As far as I'm aware, mold spores do not travel into the bloodstream and attached themselves to candida, they infiltrate into the body and weaken a person's already weakened immune system (the humoral response) and cause a worsening of all their complaints. And candida patients can be crippled big time by even the slightest amount of mold in the air, on foods and from any source. Worst places - kitchen, bathroom and bedroom of older homes.



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