Hello #141620, I read your previous posts and have to say your problems are very familiar to me. When you mentioned you had your amalgam fillings replaced months before started parasite cleanse, it was obvious to me you are actually in the middle of vicious dump phase. Your body is throwing mercury out of tissues and organs and this action is creating havoc in your body and mind. You should start chelation ASAP. I would recommend Andy Cutler style Low frequent dose chelation. I am going through the hell of poisoning with heavy metals from my fillings now. I know exactly what you're going through, when it first hit me I thought I'm going crazy. I was panicking, shaking, couldn't sleep or eat, later total loss of all emotions, no connection to anything or anybody. I found on Amazon very good memoir of a girl who went through the hell of poisoning and fully recovered. It's catchy reading with loads of useful info. The book is Getting the mercury out from Aine Ni Cheallaigh. Look into it, I am sure that's what your problem is. You can get out of this hole, it just takes time and patience. What you think ?
PS: My english is not perfect but you can understand the essence..hopefully