Parenting - the sacred cow.
Being the survivor of some very bad parenting, I am constantly amazed at how seldom bad parenting is ever held accountable for the crimes of it's child products.
It seems that for centuries, parenting and parents (who make the rules) have been excused, forgiven, minimized, protected and shielded from examination and questions with regard to the dangerous and damaging products that parenting produces - harmful kids.
Based on my childhood experiences, I am certain that our inadequate parenting lead to my brother turning to crime and going to State prison for armed robbery. Because I know the day to day, moment to moment details of our family life, it is glaringly obvious to me how and why bad parenting put my brother in prison. Bad parenting had a devastating effect on all of us kids but their parenting style would have been considered adequate and just fine by most of society back then. So now, when I see the devastation of killer kids, I am not at all surprised that so little attention is given to how they were raised while the whole focus is kept on the killers (victims of bad parenting) but NOT on those who created them. As far as I am concerned, bad parenting, not guns, kill people and it's most likely going to stay this way so longs as parents them selves make the rules and remain firmly commited to NEVER holding parenting or parents accountable for the crime of creating bigger and better killers and criminals to send out into society.
Don't ban guns - correct bad parenting, where it's possible!