Re: Doing My Duty to Promote Iodine
Yes, it is a mission against the corrupt greedy money making engine that wants to chop, radiate, and poison.. makes a lot more money than a prescription of knowledge, eh?
I have a family history of cancer, a variety of types, including colon and breast. Lost a cousin who was 39 to breast cancer, and aunt who was 38 to colon cancer. I used to live in utter fear of the "C word" but now I feel like I have found a great preventative.
By the way, I am 32 and in the past two years was feeling some sore/tough breast tissue. After exam, my OB said it did feel very dense and to keep an eye on it as it could be the start of cysts. Well now, after six months on the protocol, they are much softer to touch and no more 'hard' areas. All tenderness is gone! (even 'end of month' pre cycle pain - not to mention the cessation of PMS which was crippling for a day or two).
Keep fighting the good fight.
Ps thanks for the septic info, going to read over it and see if it might help with our leach field.