the most vivid dreams
Hi all - I have been supplementing
Iodine + cosupps for about six months. I am holding off on a true, cumulative benefits post type of update until I am through more of the detox, and have had more time to better realize (and thus articulate) the benefits. I will say this is something I see myself doing for life.
Anyways, the reason I wanted to post is, well, I am a bit of an experimenter and have noticed something quite spectacular. I pay close attention to the variables I change and any subsequent effects. From the first week of starting the protocol using Lugol's, I noticed immediately an improved quality of sleep (less waking, deeper sleep). My first sign that the hormonal balance I am seeking is within reach.
I started Trapper's
SSKI a month ago, around 300-500mg daily. I went with 1 gram for two days. It brought on some sinus detox (a typical detox symptom of mine), so I pulse dosed (salt loading too) and scaled back to 300-500mg. This past week I felt the calling to up the dose again, and when the 1gram didn't result in unbearable sinus funk, I kept with it. For the past 5 nights, I have had other-wordly, spectacular, ethereal dreams. Like none I have ever experienced, with colors, emotions, and experiences that are breathtaking. Because I am so analytical with my regimen, I attribute this entirely to the
SSKI at the higher level. To describe my experiences (emotional, physical, spiritual) as an awakening is an understatement.