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Re: Calculating Dosage for Alben Drench
peggyaus Views: 1,226
Published: 12 y
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Re: Calculating Dosage for Alben Drench

Dear ICU

I recently sneezed up a small fluke and the big momma is still there in my throat/chest cavity. I think it came up with the migration into my throat of Ascaris which I can feel sliding up and down into my head (currently using Albenda).

I have tried ordering biltride (prazi) from online pharmacies and am having so much difficulty due to only having a mastercard (my bank no longer issues visa).

Do you have any links for buying good prazi/biltride from a mastercard seller?

I did have a good supplier but they are now using echecks (noblemeds) and no credit cards and this is also proved to be difficult.

Also.. is it worth me getting prazi powder and if so how much would I take of it? Do you have any reputable links?

Many thanks, what a nightmare this is!

Best regards, Peggy


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