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Re: Has Iodine 'changed' or 'altered' your mind? RN for the whole thread
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Re: Has Iodine 'changed' or 'altered' your mind? RN for the whole thread

Yes, definitely!

I'm happier. My mind is quieter. I'm much more stable emotionally.

My brain works better: I'm as smart now as I was in my twenties. During my bad years I sometimes was so poorly that I couldn't understand questions from my students. That was terrifying. Now, I can oversee a problem/project and foresee problems ahead of time.

When something goes wrong, I stay calm an composed and fix the problem. I used to get panicky over nothing.

At some point I was so bad that I did not want to go into town alone, I was so insecure (what if I can't find the store / what if I can't find my car / what if there is a detour). I don't have that any more.

Some time ago I had to give a presentation on a school (not my own). Before Iodine that would have meant a few sleepless nights. Now I simply prepared the presentation and thought no more of it until the day I had to go give it. I had fun doing it, it went very well, without any stress.

Life is completely different on Iodine for me. I used to have a lot of stress (I have the buffalo hump to prove it) all the time. I used to come home from school all upset because I thought my lessons were going so badly. I used to think people were thinking nasty things about me (paranoid). All that's gone now. I love my lessons now. I can react to a "situation" during class much better. I don't over-react any more.

Sometimes I get a glimpse of how it was when I was really bad. When I'm poorly physically, I get worse emotionally. But never as bad as I was back then. And luckily for me, only temporarily.

No need to say that I love iodine


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