Re: How to treat citrobacter, kiebsiella with oregano and olive leaf?
Every patient will have their tolerance level, and you need to find the dosage that sits comfortable with you. Ignore dosages on containers, I decided years ago to try and experiment with candida patients. Some require minimal dosages, some hyper-react on one dose a day, whereas another may require many more times what the container says. So what do you do, how much do you take? It is all trial and error. You can titrate the dose gently upwards with ONLY ONE product at a time and gauge the response. If you start to react, reduce the dosage and work under this threshold. What you will find with Oregano caps or drops is that more will be required at certain times, less at others, and trial and error will tell you. What you will find is that one anti-fungal will resonate strongly with you, it will feel "right", if you know what I mean. If we both go out for a drink, chances are you will know exactly what resonates with you, and you may decide on a glass of a certain wine (hypothetical, LOL), whereas I'll ask for a scotch on the rocks every time, it is what I like from experience.
Try and use different products (buy best quality) and don't take handfuls of tablets and capsules, waste of $$. I have found that many people take too many "kill" products, whilst ignoring all the lifestyle changes they could be making and all the special anti-candida foods they can be eating. For example, try swallowing one to two whole cloves two times daily with foods. Add 5 drops of grapefruit seed extract to each container of water you drink each day. These things kick butt and if done daily for weeks will get you to where to want to be. People freak when they come to my kitchen, I have a large bowl with a few hundred cloves of garlic in it, because I eat it raw and add it to many dishes. I like raw garlic and honey from my beehive, a perfect combination. Eat raw onions and plenty of thyme, basil, rosemary, chives, parsley and sage. You guys are coming into summer, and we in NZ are going into winter. So plant your summer herb garden now!