32 Weight Loss Ideas
32 Weight Loss Ideas
1. One MD says drink water when you are hungry... that a lot of hunger is actually thirst
. Other researchers say water drinkers lose more weight.
2. Many who recommend salt intake reduction say that salt retains water in the body, adding to weight as well as increasing blood pressure and stimulating appetite. Lemon juice is one suggested substitute.
3. Since coffee and tea with caffein are an appetite stimulant, reduce their intake.
4. Most say 'get more exercise'. If you have to move to the seashore or mountains to feel like taking a walk, it might be worth it.
5. Most say 'reduce calorie intake'.
6. Some suggest... put only what you are allowing yourself to eat on the plate.
7. Jesus never ate after 4pm.
8. Vegan diet, according to isocaloric studies, results after 3 months in 23 lbs less than nonvegetarians weigh eating the same number of daily calories, and 11
lbs. less than dairy vegetarians.
9. Many say a support group such as Overeaters Anonymous helps. While Weight Watchers is not known for promoting healthy food, only reduced calories, some like the public weigh in at each meeting as it increases pressure.
10. Know the calories of what you eat. Fruits and vegetables generally have fewer calories. For example, salad dressings can be as high as 100 calories a tablespoon. Keep a daily log.
11. High fiber foods, fruits and vegetables, help eliminate more calories as they also sweep out the intestinal tract.
18000 recipes
12. A picture of someone you would like to look like... on the fridge
13. Avoid shopping when you're hungry.
14. Avoid getting so hungry that you lose control.
15. Bowls full of unbuttered popcorn or grapes or cucumber slices at room temperature can keep one away from 'occasions of sin'. Fruit smoothies can keep one away from toxic sweets.
16. For some, weighing regularly gives positive feedback.
17. People on night shifts often weigh more because when exhausted they eat. If you can work during the days, it's better.
18. The more you chew each mouthful, the faster the energy gets into the bloodstream and reduces fat. In addition, it lowers the chance of choking.
19. Some suggest hanging a mirror to reflect your eating image. Sadistic?
20. There are many sites which state that the color blue suppresses the appetite.
21. Many years ago, tv star Bob Cummings said he avoided white foods (sugar, salt, processed flour, etc.)
22. Cows' milk is designed to make a baby calf into a 1000 pound animal in less than a year. Dairy eating cultures weigh more.
23. Zoloft, Paxil, Prozac and other tv advertised and heavily marketed antidepressants cause long term weight gain. Those not taking prescription drugs are subjected to
these compounds which contaminate the water supply through the urine of those who take the drugs. Tranquilizers like valium, antiinflammatories like prednisone and antiseizure medications
also cause long term obesity.
24. The cultures in which people absorb the most sunlight tend to be the most slender. The energy of the sun replaces the inferior energy of food. It comes in numberless frequencies, each body taking what he or she likes.
25. Americans are subjected to more food ads than any other culture. There are a number of studies showing correlations between exposure to food ads and excess weight. Avoid the tv especially and also radio if you are a suggestible person.
26. The Atkins, Stillman, Eads and other high animal protein diets cause bleeding ulcers, cancer, strokes, heart disease, etc. In addition, those on the diet find they reach a plateau and can not lose more weight after initial success.
27. Community is necessary. Overeaters often isolate themselves.
28. Overweight people sometimes say sweets are the only sweetness in their lives. Overeating is a toxic way to fill an emotional void, to relax, to go to sleep.
29. Our government has banned smoking and alcohol ads from certain venues. Animal flesh causes more obesity and death than any other habit.
30. Fruit has more natural bulk and is generally better than fruit juice. But both have polysacchardies, disaccharides and monosaccharides for a much more even energy flow.
31. Some say capsaicin in hot peppers reduces appetite. You decide.
32. Pray, visualize, think positively.
But the tide is turning. Americans are beginning to lose weight despite:
1. The dairy lobby is federally subsidized.. 1/4 billion annually.. to promote
milk designed to make a calf into a 1000 pound animal in a few months.
This food was not designed for human beings and is correlated to obesity.
International conglomerates promote cows' milk for human babies.
2. USDA dominated school lunch programs promote
trash animal products, with little in the way of fresh fruits and vegetables. They are dumping grounds for surplus milk solids etc.
3. The food advertised is high animal protein and animal fat food.. which isocaloric studies by Mervyn Hardinge MD (while at Harvard before he like Mad Cow discoverer Prusiner left that institution because of its meat investments) indicate will make a nonvegetarian 23
lbs. heavier than a vegan after 3 months given the same number of daily calories, while dairy vegetarians are 11
lbs. heavier than vegans. The average fruitarian weighs less than those of the other 3 groups. Conversely, the Atkins and other high animal protein diets cause a sudden weight loss. Then participants reach a plateau and cannot lose further weight. Atkins died weighing around 260
pounds after, it is alleged, a cerebral stroke which caused his fall.
4. Parents who allow a lifestyle of tv and internet without exercise sunlight and fresh air
5. Some school systems still have soda and high
Sugar candy bars, potato chips
6. Zoloft, Paxil, Prozac and other tv advertised and heavily marketed antidepressants cause long term weight gain. Those not taking prescription drugs are subjected to
these compounds which contaminate the water supply through the urine of those who take the drugs. Tranquilizers like valium, antiinflammatories like prednisone and antiseizure medications
also cause long term obesity.
7. The WIC program (Women Infant Children of the animal agribusiness dominated USDA) is another dairy subsidy giving the poor obesity engendering dairy products.
8. Convenience stores and gas stations sell junk cola, potato and corn chips, candy bars, cows' milk and no fruit and vegetables with the exception of occasional bananas.
9. Small farmers and their markets are forced out of business by chain stores with the help of the USDA.
10. The Food Network, The Rachael Ray Show, and other tv shows for their multi trillion dollar animal flesh, fish and dairy agribusiness clients promote cooking with carcinogenic, stroke engendering high fat foods.
11. The dairy lobby of Minnesota and Wisconsin, with the constant ads of Minnesota "Public" Radio promotes a racist disregard for the natural milk intolerance of Africans, Asians and other cultures.
12. Despite objections from the European Union, American agribusiness
has forced its way in giving female hormones and water retainers to animals, with the dosage upped before slaughter. These hormones and water retention chemicals
continue to act in humans, causing weight gain and planting cancer seeds.
13, Decadent gorging on the cadavers of innocent murdered beings causes waste, obesity, animal agony, and in some cases choking, as in hotdog eating contests.
14. Alcohol is fattening and causes teen and other deaths, cirrhosis of the liver, busted families, domestic battering etc. yet Coors, funder of the warpromoting Heritage Foundation, also advertises alcohol on radio as early as 11 am on weekdays
15. The cultures in which people absorb the most sunlight tend to be the most slender. The energy of the sun replaces the inferior energy of food. It comes in numberless frequencies, each body taking what he or she likes.
16. In addition Americans adopted the English fatmaking breakfast, high
in meat and dairy.
17. Americans are subjected to more food ads than any other people.. Fast
food ads have accounted for over 100 billion in advertising revenue.
A Canadian study reports that tv watchers eat more than non tv watchers.
18. We may be addicted to coffee, but it is for many an appetite stimulant
19. Corporations, grocery chains, and a very strong restaurant association
have saturated many foods with gratuitous fattening and toxic animal products.
Oscar Mayer’s song directed at children was “I’d love to be an Oscar Mayer wiener.” The song is a lie amplified by the wiener mobile. 4H clubs teach children to love and nurture baby animals and then given them up for slaughter, a schizophrenia engendering message. School curricula are sometimes created
by the dairy lobby. School lunches are animal product laden. Children are immersed in animal flesh ads on Saturday morning tv.
20. Judge Holwell and other unelected judges have sided with the fast food industry in rulings on calorie postings, liability of fast food chains for fat etc
21. A liver filled with poisonous molecules such as insecticide, preservative, hormone and other residues is less able to burn fat.
22. The animal flesh industry through illegal corporate influence in the NY and other schools sponsors social studies courses which promote animal flesh, studies promoted by the school administration and even the teachers' unions which
historically resisted corporate influence. These courses make children fatter, and the 'nutrition' taught is full of lies. The meat industry also secretly funds books which like The Compassionate Carnivore promote animal corpse eating.
23. Writers such as Nina Planck, nutritionists from meat invested schools such as Columbia, Harvard, Univesity of Texas, and deceased animal protein promoters who died before their life expectancy (Dr Atkins, Dr Stillman, Adelle Davis etc) have been paid or programmed to promote purloined animal flesh. The Atkins Foundation has an unholy relationship with the world’s largest pigbutchering corporation, Smithfield, and with Duke University.
24. Rising food prices as trillions of dollars are diverted from America to bombing babies overseas has put fresh fruits and vegetables out of the reach of many.
25. Poverty creates overeating
a. people eat to reduce stress which creates a cycle of depression
b. people eat to stay warm in winter
c the more healthful foods are sometimes priced beyond reach because they are not subsidized
d The poor for the most part cannot walk on beautiful stretches of beach, nor get to exercise spas
26. Around the world, midnight shift work is 1 factor in obesity. Many never feel totally rested and eat in the mistaken notion food will erase the problem.
27. Bouts of anger make the heart beat and breaths rapid and dump adrenalin into the bloodstream, stimulating hunger.
28. Libraries in their summer reading programs reward children with Dairy Queen, Chucky Cheese and the fattening food of these chains.
29. Uncooked food has more fiber, more fatburning enzymes. People on raw vegan diets weigh less than those who eat cooked vegan food, generally speaking.
1. Alcohol and cigarette ads have been banned on tv. Animal flesh
and products cause more deaths annually than tobacco, alcohol, war,
traffic deaths combined. It's time to ban tv, radio, and billboard advertising
of meat, dairy and fish which cause cancer, heart disease, stroke,
food poisoning, kidney dysfunction,
Arthritis etc.
Author notes
Picture: American fast food hits Africa
-saiom shriver-
Aspartame in diet sodas can cause brain lesions. Some sodas contain carcinogenic caramel color. Their phosphoric acid harms the joints.