The worst I have ever been (bedridden) was after 2 DMPS treatments after Amalgam removal about 4 years ago. I never had my cortisol tested at that time. I was working with an alternative doctor at the time. After the second DMPS I refused all others. I seriously thought I was going to die. After that I swore there had to be an easier way to chelate heavy metals.
I have been housebound many times over the last 5 years. I could stay on the main level but was not able to make it down to the lower level for many months.
This is the best I have felt in many years and I hope and pray that this continues.
About endo-dren. Once I was out of the 4 lows I was put on endo-dren and for me it worked very well. I don't need any glandulars anymore but I really needed it at that time.