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Re: Day One of my Fast! Anyone from yesterday's posters on this forum up for a Group Fast?
lauray Views: 1,143
Published: 12 y
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Re: Day One of my Fast! Anyone from yesterday's posters on this forum up for a Group Fast?

Hi, it is really great to hear from you. Thank you for writing back. It is true that I wrote a lot in my post.
Do you feel better on day 4?
Congratulations on making it so far!
I feel finally able to take a fast of at least several days in length. This is a real breakthrough for me. It is pretty much the breakthrough of my life, since now that I can fast, my health problems will finally start to be healed. (depression, anxiety, liver issues resulting in fatigue)
I'm a thin person, too, but I am not worried. I have read about fasting for a long time and have some experience of it and for whatever reason, I feel completely comfortable fasting for as long as I feel I need to. I think people tend to lose weight faster at first and then their weight stabilizes after maybe 2 weeks? Look at Olivia Cohen on youtube -- I really love and support what she did, and she fasted quite a long time while thin.
Did you have detox symptoms? Or maybe you have a healthy joy about it that enables you never to mind feeling detox symptoms. I think this seems to be the story and is very cool.

I have read your other post and am sorry for your pain. I am sorry for your suicidal thoughts. I don't have direct experience with those, but I have known people who have, and I imagine they are very hard to talk about -- or to have, in the first place, of course. How did you locate Curezone? i hope to hear from you again.


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