Another Physician's Meatmongering Alleged Diet Book
Another Meatmongering Alleged Diet Book
Perhaps playing on the title of Diet For A New America by John Robbins,,
vegan member of the Robbins family of Baskin Robbins, William E Connor MD and Sonja L Connor published in November 2009 a book called The New American Diet. Connor had died a few days before. The book includes many foods causing animal agony, human disease, environmental desecration, energy waste and unnecessary expense... such as the flesh of cows, chickens, turkeys, fishes and the stolen products of cows and chickens. Dr Connor died recently.
The book says it is based on a very small study by NIH, a study of 235 families. William NIH is not willing to promote the healthiest diets (vegan and fruitarian)... because of the trillions of dollars involved in mongering animal and fish flesh and products. Why has NIH wasted the public money with yet another study. There are hundreds if not thousands of studies documenting the superior health of human beings. Dr Colin Campbell who recommends vegan diet in his book The China Study cites copious studies. There was a 7 year government funded study which concluded that the average nonsmoking nondrinking vegetarian Adventist lives 7 years longer than the average nondrinking nonsmoking nonvegetarian Mormon. Dr Stanley Prusiner left Harvard because his prion research (Mad Cow Mad Pig etc) was put on the back burner by that meat invested university.
Vegans after 3 months on an isocaloric study diet (each subject eating the same number of calories daily) weigh 23
pounds less than nonvegetarians and 11 plunds less than dairy vegetarians. Fruitarians
were not included in the study but weigh less than any other group. Dr Mervyn Hardinge also left Harvard after conducting this study. Truth seeking researchers are not necessarily welcome at that blood-invested place.
The book is not as toxic as those of Drs. Stillman, Atkins, and Eads. The high animal protein diet has been condemned by the AMA for causing bleeding ulcers, kidney dysfunction, constipation, heart attacks. Nevertheless the Connorbook promotes animal slaughter
and toxic food. Connor did recommend replacing eggs with the nonanimal egg replacers on the market. And he had only 1 mammal flesh recommendation. However for years he recommended fish oil, despite its correlation to stomach cancer, to uric acid caused arthritis, to many cancers from the radiation concentrated in fish flesh at 1000 times the rate the radiation exists in the water.
Connor was a Quaker, a peace worker and abolitionist. God speed to Dr Connor. He might be reborn as a vegan activist and help Quakers extend nonviolence to the animal world. This article is written because some readers are sheep believing what they read in a book or are told by a physician.
Rodale the publisher has profiteered from the flesh ads in its deforesting magazine.