Home Abortion Needs Just One 12 oz Bottle Coca Cola
Thought of as a soft drink. Strong enough to kill.
Yes. One 12 oz oca Cola is all it takes to end a human life. Many women when late try to end their pregnancy, in poor countries, and over a period of time, they've worked out the best way to do it.
All they need is a 12 oz bottle of Coca Cola. This they boil for fifteen minutes. Then they leave it out in the midday sun from morning til afternoon.
This must do something to alter the chemical composition, because that alone, when drunk, can be fully effective to cause an abortion. They only add headache pills to beef up the solution, and whack, the pregnancy's over. It works in about half of cases, my partner assures me. Her friends have used it successfully.
What chemicals are there inside Coca Cola which achieves this outcome, I wonder?
Another report says that a metal coin left in Coca Cola for a week will dissolve into the liquid. You put an egg in Coca Cola and the shell disappears.
What's in that drink, for God's sake?
We know that sodas like Coca Cola cause huge increases in obesity and diabetes. It's not just the calories, you know.
Julia added this. What's actually in a bottle of Coca Cola?
And what does it do to your body?
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