I'll just add a tidbit to what he said about Serotonin's negative effects...
Serotonin is primarily released by the intestines when under stress to cause emptying. Heavy levels over time create intestinal permiability, creating allergies, and allowing lipoperoxides (endotoxin) to enter the body causing massive damage and activating the general stress system. (cortisol release)
Additionally... Ray Peat likes Niacinamide for people who are going off a standard diet- it inhibits fatty acid release, causing the body to run more "cleanly" on a glucose metabolism while your body is detoxing the PUFA's that have been stored in your body. When a PUFA is not supressed from being turned into fatty acids, it causes oxidation and possibly free-radical damage. (although mixed tocopherols have shown to be somewhat protective)
I guess I might be detoxing. I've had a low level sinus and throat cold for the past week. Or it could be all the dairy products. Been taking vitamin E, K2, Zinc etc.